When you are creating a website for a small business the temptation is to get bogged down in concerns about technology or graphic design, and; feeling overwhelmed; offload the whole project to a web designer. However it is important to remember that the real expert on your business is you. You are the one who understands your business. You know what you do well, and why your customers come to you rather than your competition.
You understand who your customers are, and what they like and dislike far better than any web designer. If you want to create a great website for your small business that really engages your customers, you need to be involved! Not necessarily in the actual creation, although you can be, but definitely in the content, the structure and the message you are putting out.
- Structure your website around you customers’ activities, not your company structure!
Rather than thinking about the way you structure your own work, try to think about what your different customers want to achieve, and think about creating your small business website to help them do this as simply as possible.
- Share your company purpose and values!
Why does your business exist? What do you love about what you do? Share that message on your site with all your passion and enthusiasm! Your customers want to feel that they know you and share your values, and this is a major advantage you have as a small business, so allow your personality to show through on your website.
- Be clear about the purpose of your website. Your small business website should have a clear purpose aligned with your business goals. Decide what you want your customers to do when they visit your site. Make it easy for them to find the information they need to do it, and then give them a specific call to action! People like to be invited to engage with you, so invite them specifically. If you want them to telephone you, ask them to telephone you! If you want them to register for a course or a newsletter, ask them to register, give them a clear button to click or a form to fill in, that is easy to find. If you want them to buy a product, give them an easy way to find out about it, and then a way to order and pay for it.
You understand who your customers are, and what they like and dislike far better than any web designer. If you want to create a great website for your small business that really engages your customers, you need to be involved! Not necessarily in the actual creation, although you can be, but definitely in the content, the structure and the message you are putting out.